Learning to manage your expectations when you are preparing for the big trip you have saved up for will help improve your overall fishing experience while deterring any disappointment or frustration.
So you have booked your trip to an island oasis to attempt to catch your fish of a lifetime. The months leading up to your trip can easily make you anxious as you see people daily showcasing ridiculously sized fish caught just a few miles offshore on the internet. Dreaming of being spooled out by an 80kg doggie or being strapped into a harness to do battle with the mighty blue marlin can lead to sleepless nights leading up to the trip. So how do you keep your mindset level and under control?
The following tips are to help manage your expectations and get the most out of each and every fishing trip you book.
Trust your Guide
Every day, the guides head out expecting the worst possible fishing conditions. This pushes them to plan ahead and prepare as much contingency plans to allow for a good day out on the water. This might be a hard ask but the angler should approach the day with the same mindset. Expect nothing but a good day out on the water. When the guide asks you to drop a jig or cast your popper for the 100th time that morning, it’s because they know the fish are there and it’s just up to them to bite.
Remember – The guides are not magicians
Before a charter, guides brief their guests on safety, fishing, gear and techniques suited for the guests’ expectations and their targeted fish. From there, the team will make up a plan and try their best to get the guest onto their targeted fish.
When targeting a specific specie, be sure to commit yourself to it. If you’re chasing a big blue marlin, do not expect to just go for an hour’s troll and hook up. You may be tempted to drop your outfits to join the rest of the gang catching other species and you have yet to get a touch, but keep on pushing. Commitment is everything in big game and sport fishing. Stick to your plans and keep trolling or casting. The fulfillment will be unmatched when you finally catch your target.
Stay Positive
Most fishing guides often get clients coming back in from a days fishing and says he/she hasn’t caught anything, to later find out that they have had 10 hookups only to lose the fish. Frustration is a big part of the game but remember to always keep your head up. Fishing is a game of constant learning. You may have stuffed up the hookset, slackened line, knots not done properly, and a million other reasons– so keep charging mistakes to experience and stay positive. You will only get better as you keep fishing.
Accept that everyday won’t be a great day
Expect less and there will be less disappointments. The game we have invested in is fishing, not catching. There are a million factors in play when trying to get a fish to bite, and the fishing gods may not always bless us with innumerable fishes. Keep on fishing, enjoy the company and the fact that you may have created lasting relationships with the people you are fishing with. Don’t stop fishing. The more your lure is in the water, the more chances you have on hooking up. The Ocean Blue team is here to help you enjoy your trip with or without fish.
Bonus Tip – Plan Ahead
Most of our guests have limited vacation time and are constrained to choosing trip dates that suit their busy lives. Planning a year ahead can make a world of difference to your trip, as the Ocean Blue team will be able to recommend the best dates with the best conditions suitable for you. Don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email. We will be more than happy to answer all your questions and plan your trip of a lifetime with you.Check out some of our available Vanuatu fishing trip dates or call us to customise a trip for you and your mates.